ISBN 4834715574

October 29, 2006 at 12:10 am | Posted in Sewing/Crafts | 3 Comments

cover isbn 4834715574
Available on Amazon Japan.

I only know a handful of words in Japanese, but this book really spoke to me. Okay, it yelled. And what was it yelling? “BUY ME!” of course.

The lowdown: 98 pages, 79 stuffies. Maybe about a half dozen of them also appear in this book, which I also have. And some of the others look a little familiar, as though I’ve seen them on a blog somewhere. I wonder if this is like a “Greatest Hits” or collection of popular designs? (Brad? Any text on the cover to that effect?) I don’t mind; there are plenty of other patterns in here that are new to me.

Like this little kitty, the reason why I broke down and got the book. Sigh. I have to hurry up and make him so I can squish his little kitty face.

smiley cat

Here are a few others that I liked:
Bunny and bear bags. They might be backpacks?

backpacks or purses

Cell phone cozies!

cell phone cozies

Sleek looking fox, raccoon, bunny, and frog

fox and friends

Caterpillar. A little over a foot long!


Cute menagerie. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen these posted in another book online somewhere.

cute stuffed dolls

Bears with boy clothes. The facing page shows bunnies with pink girl versions of these clothes. The little hooded sweatshirt and overalls are so funny, no?

clothed bears

Grr! Tyrannosaurus Rex! I needed a pattern like this to alter for an upcoming birthday present. Yay.

t rex

Now I’ll be able to make more than quilts and ducks.

WIP Friday: Animal quilt

October 27, 2006 at 11:16 pm | Posted in Quilting, WIP | 2 Comments

For our niece-to-be! Just in the design stages so far. The green border is Alexander Henry’s 2-D Zoo in green. I’ll make the animals with machine applique. No plan yet for the quilting. Maybe outline quilting with a grid in the background? I’m not very skilled at the free-motion stuff yet.

quilt design

Bleaching Fabric

October 24, 2006 at 11:19 pm | Posted in Sewing/Crafts | 4 Comments

Martha Stewart Living ran an article over the summer about bleaching fabric. Emily’s post last week reminded me to try it. I just filled the washer up with hot water and a couple cups of bleach, then added the fabric and ran a cycle. Here are my favorites (the top photos are the original colors; the bottom ones, the bleached ones):

Bleached cotton fabric

  1. Gray-blue-green with wheat colored leaves. Turned out light gray with mustard-y leaves. The shadows show up a lot better.
  2. Icky olive brown with dark plum buds turned into a neat ochre with wine-colored buds.
  3. Lilies of the valley on light blue with blue-green leaves -> lavender background with olive green leaves.
  4. Dark teal vines on blue yielded dark green vines on sage green vines.
  5. Vines on purplish blue became vines on medium gray.

Not all of the fabric I washed had such dramatic results, but I’m particularly fond of these because they were colors I would probably not ever use. Now I am searching for an excuse to use them!

We made it through the rain!

October 9, 2006 at 7:15 am | Posted in WIP | 8 Comments

So, how was your week? We’ve had quite an adventure.

Nice visit with Ryan’s parents and Grandma in NW Indiana. We went apple picking at a local orchard, something I’d not done since before leaving Maine in 1977. We found the Cortland trees and filled up our bags.


There was a 30% chance of rain forecast for the area as a cold front moved through. I was talking to my sis on the phone that evening and kneeling out of the couch looking out of our front window. Lots of rain. And hail: three times!


The lights went out between nine and ten. We hustled downstairs to see if water was getting into the basement. Yup. We grabbed our favorite things to bring them up to safety.

Overnight, the water rose to about a foot in the basement. The battery backup pump  ran out of juice, and our main pump, which is electric, was out of commission because of the power failure.

The water couldn’t find its way out, so it stayed put.


Still no electricity. A wonderful thing: we had water and a gas stove. Called the insurance people and a bajillion flood recovery places to see if they could get the water out of the basement. They said there were “hundreds” of people on their waiting lists, which in some cases were “seven or eight pages long.” Sigh.

We went to our neighbor’s place and ordered pizza for dinner.

No power yet. And the basement’s still full of water. SO glad we don’t have carpet down there. My favorite joke this week: “Was your basement finished?” Me: “Oh, it’s finished, all right!”

As the sun was setting, the power was restored to our neighborhood, but we didn’t dare turn ours on until the water was out. Luckily, our (wonderful, wonderful) neighbor ran a looooooong extension cord to our house, and pumped out most of the water with an electric pump. And, since he’s a daring sort of fella, he turned on the circuits to OUR pump to get the remaining water, then the rest of the house. Yay!

The rest of the week was a parade of repairmen and trades coming through the house and checking out the appliances that were underwater. So, we need just about everything except a hot water heater. (That first hot shower felt soooo good on Friday!) There was also a surreal, wee-hours-of-the-morning visit from a tree service with chainsaws, who felled a tree in the yard that was encroaching on power lines after the storm.
Oh, and this is what the basement looks like now.


I know (I know, I know) this was not a “disaster.” I grew up in Louisiana in hurricanes and have seen people who have had it much, much worse. We’re safe and healthy, plus, our insurance looks like it will cover everything. Hey! New basement!

On Saturday, as the flood remediation people were tearing up our basement and 1-800-JUNK was hauling it and most of its contents away, it was a clear sunny, day, and our 6th wedding anniversary.

And I got these spiffy new boots. Gawd, my priorities!


Last-minute Lisa

October 1, 2006 at 8:36 am | Posted in Quilting, Sewing/Crafts | 3 Comments

There’s a theory that people who procrastinate are really perfectionists. Crazy-sounding, I know, but allegedly, they leave things until the last minute so that if things don’t turn out exactly right, they have the excuse that they didn’t have enough time to do it correctly.

I don’t think of myself as a perfectionist, but I AM great at leaving things until the last possible second. And here’s what happens. I present to you: The Crooked House. Enjoy a hearty laugh at my expense.

wonky applique 

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