
August 17, 2008 at 3:27 pm | Posted in Sewing/Crafts | 11 Comments

I wasn’t sure what to make for Lauren’s birthday, so I called her mom:

Me: Hi, Erin. What’s Lauren’s favorite animal?

Erin: Lauren? What’s your favorite animal?

Lauren: Green! [She’s going to be two years old]

Erin: No, what’s your favorite animal?

Lauren: AN-i-mal!

Erin: No, your favorite animal, like a duck, or cow, or chicken, or dog…

Lauren: Dog!

Erin: Definitely dog.

Me: Great! Does she have a favorite food?

Erin: What’s your favorite food, Lauren?

Lauren: Milk!

Well, dogs are much harder to draw than a glass of milk, so this is what I made:

milk dress front

milk dress front

It’s done in green seersucker (hmm…does that mean she can only wear it for another week until Labor Day?) and lined with white cotton. I bound the hem instead of sewing it because I like the look and! I hate to iron up hems. So fiddly!

The straps are fastened with snaps. I attached the bottom set first, but then the top edge flipped down, so I added another set above. They have an added and unintentional benefit of letting Lauren’s mom lengthen the straps, so theoretically she could wear it in the spring again. She’s a tiny thing!

Here’s a closeup of the glass of milk. I fused the applique and then added some of the binding as the straw, stitching stripes with perle cotton.

milk dress applique

milk dress applique

The pattern is Simplicity #3662 (5 for $5 at Jo-Ann last week). I threw the fabric in the wash when I woke up this morning and cut the pieces out at about 9:00. It was only two pattern pieces, cut one each from fabric and lining, so it went together very quickly. The whole project was done by one, so I call that completed in plenty of time for the party this afternoon at 4:00. Last-minute Lisa strikes again.


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  1. Are you back?! Quite a cute little dress, isn’t it? But it’s your applique that wows it.

  2. Ve-ry cute!

  3. fantastic…really great!

  4. that straw is the best!

  5. Love it!!!

  6. It’s absolutely adorable!

  7. Jenn D.: I’ms so sorry for not responding. I’ll e-mail you with shipping info today. Lisa K.

  8. Lisa, I am so glad to see a post on your blog!! I have missed you! :) The dress is too cute and I love the fact that someone else makes gifts at the last minute like I do!! ;)

  9. Your quilt looks so nice – and congratulations on your wonderful news! : )

  10. Just want you to know how cute the little owl is on your banner! Do you have a pattern for making that? I love owls!

  11. […] public links >> dogs Green! Saved by ajonser on Thu 23-10-2008 Speaking of dogs…. Saved by JVic1992 on Sun […]

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