WIP Friday: Yo-yos!

September 8, 2006 at 10:26 am | Posted in Sewing/Crafts, swaps | 10 Comments

Not the Smothers Brothers, shoot-the-moon kind, but fabric yo-yos. I’m in a swap this month, so here are the first of many yo-yos to be made.

WIP yo-yos

This is also a show and tell for my sister, who didn’t know what a yo-yo was, so I’m killing two birds with one stone.* Hi, Jenny!

There are great instructions over on Heather’s site. And there’s another yo-yo swap on swap-bot in case you missed this one and are interested in joining. They’re a great way to plow through your scraps.

*Or, as Mom says, “Killing two birds with one stick.” This close, Ma.


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  1. I love those fabrics! I’ve not tried yo-yos yet. I may have to now!

  2. Whack, whack, take that birds!

  3. Cutie! I like the fabrics? Now what do you do with these again?

  4. lol Jenna. I have to cut her some slack, as English isn’t her first language, but it’s just so funny. Especially with her Filipino accent, which sounds a little like Grover from Sesame St. She even says “Halo, everyboadee!”

    I kid because I love.

  5. Jenny:

    Oh, heck, I don’t know yet. Heh. Guess I forgot that I’d be on the receiving end, too, so I’d better figure something out!

    If you get enough, you can make a quilt type thing. If you make graduated sizes, you can make a Christmas tree. Um. If you get or make a bunch, you can make garlands. Any other bright ideas out there? Oh, yeah, you can make flowers, or applique them onto things for decoration. Uh…I’m out of ideas.

  6. yoyo quilt:
    yo yo quilt

    yoyo appliques:
    YoYo Flowers with flower garden border

    yoyo flowers:
    Yo-Yo Bouquet

  7. Thank you for sharing you have a awesome blog going to add it to mine hugs kat

  8. Those fabrics are so cute. For an idea, I once saw a yo-yo appliqued pillow and it looked pretty cute.

  9. You know… I’ve been saying “Kill two birds with one stone” a lot lately, and it’s really starting to creep me out – I don’t want to kill birds!

  10. I have just become a yoyo addict! I LOVE it all!

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